Havana Cigars

Cigars by Hunter & Frankau

Thank you for considering our premium cigar selection! As enthusiasts in the art of cigar smoking, we pride ourselves in offering a wide variety of cigars from all over the world. Our collection of cigars boasts a variety of flavors, strengths, and sizes, perfect for any occasion or preference. Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day with a mild and savory smoke, or to celebrate a special occasion with a strong and robust cigar, our inventory has something for every aficionado.

Our cigars are rolled and crafted to perfection by expert hands, using only the finest tobacco leaves. We believe that the secret to a great cigar lies in the quality of the leaves, which is why we ensure our tobacco is aged and cured to perfection. Some of our most popular brands include [insert names], each one hand-picked by our team to offer you the ultimate smoking experience.

Thank you for choosing us as your destination for premium cigars. We look forward to serving you and providing you with the best in smoking pleasure.

Please use the form to send The Dragon Head Shop a message.

Or please call 0161 477 2050 to order your Cigars.